Change in the Management of Ugitech S.A, France
The former Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Ugitech S.A., Ugine (France), Victor Polard, will step down from these positions on September 30, 2008.
By mutual agreement, as a consequence of simplification of the management structure he will also relinquish his membership of all other management bodies of the Ugitech Group as well as SCHMOLZ+BICKENBCH AG. We wish to take this opportunity of thanking him for his excellent work in connection with the integration of Ugitech into the SCHMOLZ+BICKENBACH Group. With his great experience and extensive network of contacts, Victor Polard has made a significant contribution to Ugitech's success.
Patrick Lamarque d'Arrouzat will take over the function of CEO of Ugitech S.A. as from October 1, 2008. He has worked for Ugitech S.A. since 1990, most recently as head of the sales organisation for bar steel and wire rod as well as bright bar. The successor as Chairman of the Board of Directors is Marcel Imhof, Chief Operating Officer of SCHMOLZ+BICKENBACH AG, Emmenbrücke (Switzerland).
Contact persons for further information are:
Benedikt Niemeyer, CEO, phone +41 41 209 50 40
Marcel Imhof, COO, phone +41 41 209 51 82
Investor Relations
Axel Euchner, CFO, phone +41 41 209 50 35