21. Mai 2023

Swiss Steel Group receives DNV audit statement for group-wide CO2 emissions

Swiss Steel Holding AG has commissioned DNV Business Assurance Germany GmbH to perform an independent audit ("limited assurance") of CO2 emissions for the 2021 financial year. The result for the plants of the Swiss Steel Group has now been officially presented.

DNV Business Assurance Germany GmbH carried out its audits on site at the most important Swiss Steel plants: Ascometal in Fos-sur-Mer & Hagondange, Deutsche Edelstahlwerke in Hagen, Krefeld, Siegen and Witten, Finkl Steel in Chicago and Sorel in Canada, Steeltec in Emmenbrücke, Switzerland, Ugitech in Ugine and Imphy, and Milan.

The audit statement states, among other things, "Based on the tests we performed and the evidence we obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the selected information has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the criteria.  [....] The scope and limitations of our work are limited to the key figures included in the report, which are presented here."

Frank Koch, CEO of Swiss Steel Group, commented, "Sustainable steelmaking is in the DNA of Swiss Steel Group, which is strongly committed to decarbonization and green steel. The audit statement now available from DNV Business Assurance Germany GmbH will further enhance our sustainability rating, transparency and credibility as a leader in green steel and will already help the Group to meet the new legal reporting requirements in the future."

The Swiss Steel Group is driving decarbonization forward

As Europe's largest steel producer on the EAF route, the Swiss Steel Group is up to 80% better than producers on the blast furnace route in terms of CO2 emissions. This is a good starting position on the way to market leadership, but it is by no means enough for the internationally active group.

The Group operates exclusively on the basis of scrap. This massively reduces the CO2 footprint compared with the traditional production of steel based on iron ore and coke. The higher the scrap input, the more ecological the resulting steel. This is an important prerequisite for the production of "Green Steel".

The Swiss Steel Group has now launched "Green Steel", an offensive for low-CO2 steel. The decisive factor for customers and the public is that all measures are coordinated and publicly traceable. "Green Steel" is therefore not just a tool to help reduce the emissions of the entire Group step by step and systematically. It is intended to support the customers and partners of the Swiss Steel Group in reducing their Scope 3 emissions and to encourage them to do more for climate protection.


Über Swiss Steel Group
Die Swiss Steel Group ist einer der führenden Anbieter individueller Lösungen im Bereich Spezialstahl-Langprodukte weltweit. Sowohl bei Werkzeugstahl als auch bei rostfreiem Langstahl zählt der Konzern zu den führenden Herstellern im globalen Markt und gehört zu den beiden größten Unternehmen in Europa für legierten und hochlegierten Edelbaustahl. Mit nahezu 10.000 Mitarbeitenden und eigenen Produktions- und Distributionsgesellschaften in über 30 Ländern auf fünf Kontinenten bietet das Unternehmen weltweit ein komplettes Portfolio aus Produktion sowie Sales & Services.



Helmut Freiherr von Fircks

Steeltec AG
c/o Swiss Steel Holding AG 
Landenbergstrasse 11
CH 6005 Luzern
M: +41 795484895
M: +49 172 296 2222